Sep 21, 2009

Vanity plates, they are more than a license plate....they tell something about you!

Growing up in Texas, few cars had vanity plates. Since in Virginia I have seen my fair share of vanity plates, some funny, some practical, some outrageous, but all giving a special tribute to oneself. I am not sure if it just costs much, much more in TX to get a specialized plate or if Virginians just seriously love to drive around giving everybody trailing them a tiny glimpse into their personal lives. Here is a list of my personal favorite license plates:

8NT SCRD - Loudly proclaiming to the world that they are indeed not scared!

GEEZ US - I am guessing Jesus was already taken.

DRV SLW - Letting everybody know that if you follow me, I intend to drive slowly!

BIG BIA - Yeah, not sure why you would want anybody to think that you are B****, but not just any B**** a BIG one!

And my personal favorite............

LUV HOE......???????

1 comment:

  1. There's always enough room for bakeware! I'll have to head over there and check it out!

    I saw a really cute pumpkin bundt pan at Target as well.
