Sep 10, 2009

Health Care Now!

I promise not to turn my blog into a political forum, but I have to write this on the heels of the current national health care debate, and my recent frustrations with my own government run health care plan.**

Health care NOW!!!!! Yes, that is in fact what I want.....when I need a doctors appointment I expect health care now! Unfortunately, with a large government run health plan; health care now, is not always what you get! For anybody who favors a government run health care option I urge you to take a look at my own government health insurance....Tricare! Now, I just want to state that I am incredibly grateful for the health care that I receive through my husbands employer, we pay little for any health care services that we receive (thank you taxpayer). With that said, I would like to point out my own recent experience with trying to get an appointment through the bureaucratic red tape.

In January, I had a procedure performed and was scheduled for a 6-month check-up on Aug. 2. Unfortunately, the military decided to move us before that Aug. 2nd date rolled around. Scott & White, who I had the procedure performed through, could not move up the previously scheduled check-up because if they performed the check-up just 1 day before the 6 month date Tricare will not pay for the provided services (thank you red tape). So I come to Virginia, needing my six month check up, with my medical file, films and referral in hand. But, do you think that the previous referral to have the check-up performed will work here in VA....NO! I have to schedule an appointment with my Primary Care Manager here in VA, who has no experience with my case. Then my PCM will have the authority to schedule my check-up procedure that should have already been performed over a month ago.

So I call my PCM upon arrival at Ft. Lee and when do you suppose the soonest appointment to see the doctor is???? September 21 (a month and a half out from the date in which I called)!!!! After the appointment with the PCM, he should refer me to get on yet another wait list (which at the time I called was over 2 months long) to have the procedure performed that I ALREADY HAD A REFERRAL FORM DONE!!!!! Now, lets do the math if I have to wait that long to get my procedure done I will be 4 months over my regularly scheduled appointment...and there is a very good change we will be in the midst of moving AGAIN!!!

So for anybody that thinks a Government run health option is the answer. Think again! Anytime you are dealing with a giant government monstrosity of red tape...your health will bear the cost.....and that cost my friend is certainly never free. So if you ask me my stance on health care, I will indeed say I am for Health Care care when you need it and not after you jump through 25 hoops, check 40 boxes and spin around 10 times blind folded.

**this concludes my health care/Tricare rant, I will now resume my regular blogging**


  1. I saw your blog posted on Facebook! Can I just say, I'm a bit obsessed with reading blogs!

    As far as healthcare goes, remind you sometime to tell you about our British friends who have National Health over in England. What a nightmare, do you know in England, you must be at least 50 years old before they will do a mammogram on you, unless you have a proven history of breast cancer, and they will only give you a pap smear once every three years? Oh, and they are taxed about 40% of their income, and several of my parents friends still pay out of pocket for their own health insurance! It's insane!

  2. MG- I follow your is so cute and fun to read! Getting a follow up mammogram is what I am having a problem is crazy the extreme measures I am having to go through to have a check-up and make sure that everything is fine. I am honestly so annoyed and so is my husband, he was ready to tear in to somebody over it. I just worry that this is how a Government run option would become...there is absolutely NO way that rationing would not become a problem.
