Aug 31, 2009

BFF's are well......forever!

Can I just take this moment say how much I totally love and miss all my DS ladies??? I will never find a group that is the same! They 1 word awesome! I miss them and all the fun times I had with each and every one of them. Last night they had a big, "meet the husbands" cookout, which I was totally saddened to miss. The thought of actually meeting the husbands is so foreign and awesome (although, most of the husbands I do fortunately already know). I missed some of Connie's cheesecake and DS's drunkin antics. But most importantly, I missed time with some of the most amazingly strong women I have ever here's to you Mrs. member of the awesome DS group (cue all holding up their Bud light) for without each other we'd be just another lost Army wife............

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