Aug 28, 2009

Befreien Sie nein Getränknachfüllungen

...that's German for no free drink refills!!!!!!!!!

That's right my friends, in Germany you get charged for water in a restaurant and FREE refills, well, forget about it! Also, dogs are allowed in restaurants there and if you ask for tap water, they will think the water is for the dog!

I have been practicing my German. I started Rosetta Stone, which I am sure must be incredibly fun to watch and listen to. Das Madchen (cue Rosetta Stone displaying a message that I didn't say it correctly)...das madchen (cue Rosetta Stone displaying a message that I didn't say it correctly)....das madchen (cue Rosetta Stone displaying a message that I didn't say it correctly). OK, OK, already...I know I didn't say it exactly correctly but I know what it means (little girl), isn't that enough??? Nope, not enough....keep saying it until you get it right (cue me asking Andrew to come rescue me from Rosetta Stone and pronounce the word for me). I am convinced that that the program prefers deep, man voices and not high pitched female voices. So I have decided that when I speak German I am just going to start talking like a man (cue my Rachel Ray impersonation....Yum-O!). Then when I go to Germany I will order a nice thick dark German beer and my man voice won't seem so odd.


  1. Haha love the Rachael Ray impression mention. You'll do worries!

  2. Just perusing your blog, as it came up after mine in a search. I think it's great - you're just fine at blogging! And it's nice to get a young army couple's experiences, not the propaganda we tend to get in the US. I wondered how you liked the Rosetta Stone program? I've thought of getting it to learn Spanish as I want to spend more time in the southwest. Is it as easy as they say? (I'm terrible at languages!)
