Jul 2, 2010

So as it turns out I am a very bad blogger!  This is me trying to jump back on the blogging bandwagon...

Andrew and I visited Scotland for 10 days, where we met Andrew's family and toured the exceptionally beautiful country of Scotland.  That is another post for another day though.

This post is an update about my new found love and slight addiction to grapefruits!  I have always enjoyed a plump, fresh, juicy grapefruit for breakfast every now and again, but recently its all I want every morning!  Aside from grapefruit, I have always liked most all fruit (minus apples and pears, their texture..yuck!) but since being pregnant I have found the new, healthy habit of caring fruit around with me in my purse for whenever I need a snack.  At the top of my favorite snack fruit list are oranges and nectarines...YUM!  I seriously can not believe how much I crave fruit, this has never happened before.  Up until about a week ago the thought of chocolate, ice cream or other sweet things that were not either fruity or gummy (not to be confused with fruit gum as I hate chewing gum) totally repulsed me.  I still prefer a good Starburst, fruit by the foot, or Fruit Gushers over a candy bar, but the slight gagging sensation whenever I see a KitKat or Snickers bar has seemingly diminshed over the past week.  Hopefully I have reached the 'good' part of the 2nd trimester that I hear so much about.

Since finding out I was pregnant, I have lost 17lbs which my Doctor was none too excited about yesterday at my appointment.  When they weighed me yesterday, I could hear the sound of screeching tires and the Doctors and nurses blood pressure rising as they double and triple verified my weight.  I went into the appointment knowing that I was going to get yelled at about my weight, in fact I called my Mom freaking out about it after weighing myself on the Wii 3 days ago.  Of course my Mom tells me to get to eating, this coming from a lady who ended up not gaining ANY weight with her first born.  I think I come from a family who just loses weight while pregnant, my sister Amy lost 20lbs with her first before starting to gain any weight!  I just seem to be following right in their footsteps.

Of course at my appointment yesterday, which pretty much revolved around my weight, minus the brief break in weight discourse to listen to my little ones heartbeat, the Doctor told me since I have finally started feeling better I should expect to gain 25lbs from my start weight.  I do the math in my head and ask, "So you want me to gain 42lbs by December???!!!!"  And my Doctory quite calmly looks at me and says, "No, I want you to gain 42lbs by December 16th!"  How kind of you to give me those extra 2 weeks! 

Can anybody please explain to me why, if normally they want you to gain 25lbs while pregnant, if you lose weight they want you to gain back to your original weight before gaining the 25 pounds?  It just does not make any sense to me.  Either way, I am on an all-you-can-eat diet so I can start chipping away at those 42 lbs!  Now if only meat would start sounding, smelling, and tasting good again!

1 comment:

  1. me too...i had so much "morning" sickness 24 hours a day that i lost 15 pounds before i actually started gaining. it'll all be baby weight - dont sweat it
