Aug 15, 2010

It's a GIRL!

I wanted a fun way to tell our families about the sex of the baby and I particularly wanted some cool way to tell my super fun neices and nephew whether they could expect a boy cousin or a little girl cousin. So I decdied to make scratch-off tickets and mail them to our families before our anatomy scan appointment. When we finally found out what we were having, we called our families and told them which circle to scratch to reveal the sex of the baby. I bought scratch off stickers, printed the cards and then placed the stickers over the words, "boy" and "girl" to make a scratch off ticket.


  1. This is such a cute idea. These turned out great!
    Congratulations on your little girl.

  2. I think since we could not be together...this was the next best thing ever! Such a cute idea (although it does not come close to being able to see that little baby bump in person!!) Please just remind Alexa Kay daily that her Memaw and PawPaw love her very much and can't wait to hold her and kiss on those sweet cheeks!
